Monday, May 30, 2011

To Geek or not to Geek……

GEEK noun \ˈgēk\

  • an enthusiast or expert especially in a technological field or Any activity


    Although there are at least two other definitions for the word Geek, This is by far my favorite, simply because I think it is the more modern version. All Geeks aren't "socially inept" as one definition claimed, and I certainly have never seen one of my Geeky friends who love W.O.W double as "a carnival performer whose act usually includes biting the head off a live chicken" which is also a definition of my fav word "Geek".


        When I was in elementary school, some of the bullies would throw that word at me as an insult, along with nerd or dork. This name calling would usually occur after I got praises form my teacher for a question I answered correctly or a homework assignment I did on time, none the less I came to hate being a geek.


    So I tried to gain interest in other things, "cool" things, anything beside school work so that I can try to "fit" in. Sports, Video Games, Music, Pop culture, clothing etc., anything I would hear other kids talking about, I learned everything I possibly could about the subject( I mean to the point of OCD status). By the time I was a teenager I had no real problem conversing with anyone about anything without showing any real Geeky attributes, or that my favorite TV shows at 15 yrs old were Frasier and Seinfeld as well as Real world and American Idol. I thought I had finally escaped my geeky past.


        Until one day, I was completely obsessing online in a chat room about a famous musician that I was completely in love with (I couldn't even tell you what color my walls were in my room because his posters covered every square inch of them, including the ceiling!), and then it happened, a fellow chat room participant by the name of "Lykewhateva02" called me a word I was trying to avoid for the longest time, A GEEK!!!. When I asked her why she used the word "Geek", she stated "Because anyone who like totally knows like everything about anything is like …a Geek" after pondering her clearly wise and well thought out statement it dawned on me …she …was…right!


    I am a Geek and PROUD of it! I was a Gamming geek, a Music Geek, a Pc geek, a Fashion geek, a Reality TV geek, even a Kitchen geek. I am an enthusiast, an expert in some cases and absolutely happy about it.
    So I politely told this young lady "thank you" (she replied "k…Whatever") and I proclaimed from that day on to gladly and with pride be known as a GEEK.


Now with this new revelation, I noticed that everyone was not as aware as me and the "like whatever" girl in the chat room, Some people would say things like "wow, I never knew a geek would know so much about {insert cool subject here}" Or "wait a minute, you like {insert cool thing here} too" and the most bizarre thing was a lot of fellow geeks and nerds didn't think I could geek out with the best of them.


So I say we need revaluation…No …a Geek-aluation, where geeks of all ages, genders, creeds, and races can come together. PC and Console, Trekkies and Jedi's, Celtics fans and Lakers fans,
Bears fans and Packers fans, fan of Pop music or a devout Metal head, Sims 2 or Sims 3 or if you love all those things and more, then please join us weekly as we Totally Geek Out about Everything and Anything, and let your Geek Flags Fly!!!

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